Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Math Homework - Please disregard...

In yesterday's homework I included a handout in math explaining the next unit we will be working on. Please disregard that letter as we will NOT be working on data management next. 

The following unit is Geometry

For the next few weeks we will be focusing our attention on location and movement

  • describe the relative locations of objects using positional language 
    • sur, sous, devant, derrière, à côté de, dans
  • describe the relative locations of objects on concrete maps created in the classroom
    • e.g., describe where the teacher's desk is and where the bookshelves are
Here is a song that we learned in class today. Please check out the website with your child: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIYS2_Y9XhM&list=PL05E8ACFF9947522A

Voici un autre vidéo avec les propositions! Regardez!

This video is also good to look at and has some exercises that you can have your child do orally while watching the video:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Mark Your Calendar!


Nov. 5 - Sight and Sound Test & Picture Re-take Day!
Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day Assembly
Nov. 12 - Progress Reports go home
Nov. 13 - Book Fair begins! (Until Nov. 22) (Our class will get a chance to go to the book fair during the day to purchase books. You are free to send some money to school with your child and I will help them choose a suitable book.)
Nov. 15 - P.A. Day (No school for students)
Nov. 20 - Parent Presentation Homework Help in French! (Voila Learning) @ 6:15 p.m.
Nov. 22 - Movie Night @ 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Nov. 27 - Pizza Lunch!
Nov. 29 - Panther Assembly, Diwali presentation & Superhero Day!! (Dress up as your favourite superhero!!)

Friday, October 25, 2013

Responsibility Awards!

This month I was looking for two students who demonstrated responsibility in the classroom and around the school. The two students who won this month's award remembered to perform their classroom responsibility or job (without being told or asked to do so!), placed their agenda on the table in the morning and always finished their homework on time and with care. 

Bravo Corey et Izzy!! 

Also, don't forget...

Tomorrow, Sat., Oct. 26, is Halloween Howl at the school!!! Come and enjoy a spook-tacular night! 
Happy Halloween!! :)

Devinez qui?!?
(Guess who?!?)
Nos citrouilles!
(Our pumpkins!) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Botanical Gardens Field Trip

Our first trip of the year was a huge success! The rain held off and we were able to proceed with our trip as planned. The students were extremely excited as we all had such a wonderful time together! Here are a few pictures that were taken throughout the day.

Au jardin!
On explore!

On plante les ognions!

Un ver de terre! 

J'arrose les plantes!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rain or Shine....

....the trip is still on! Unfortunately, it will be a rainy day tomorrow for our field trip to the Botanical Gardens and I ask that you please dress your child appropriately for the weather. This includes: rain jacket, boots, an umbrella and dress for warmth! 

Also, thank you all so much for the overwhelming response to my request for a volunteer. I can only take two parents with me and I have already contacted them. There will be other field trips, if you wish to volunteer again, as I will try my best to allow different parents to have a chance to come along with us. Thank you for your understanding!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dates to remember in October!

Oct. 7 - Money due for Botanical Gardens ($15.00) 
** Please, if you haven't yet handed in the money, do so right away.**
Oct. 11 - P.A. Day
Oct. 14 - Thanksgiving (No school)
Oct. 16 - Field trip to the Botanical Gardens!
Oct. 18 - Scholastic Orders Due
Oct. 25 - Panther Assembly
Oct. 26 - Halloween Howl
Oct. 30 - Pizza Day
Oct. 31 - Spirit Day - Dress up Day!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Purple Panther Power!

And the awards go to.....
Husna & Shayden! 
This month's character trait award was for RESPECT. 

Here's our class on Spirit Day! 
(Some of us may have forgotten to wear purple...Oops!)

Look at our panther paw tattoos!
Purple power!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dates to Remember!

Bonjour! Here are a few important upcoming dates to remember!

Pizza Lunch - Wednesday, Sept. 25
Terry Fox Run - Thursday, Sept. 26
Spirit Day - Friday, Sept. 27 (Dress in purple to represent Clairlea Panthers!)

Also, this Friday Sept. 27 is our Panther Assembly! Two students from our class will be awarded with a certificate for this month's Character Trait award, which is respect.

Smile! Picture Day - Tuesday, Oct. 1st 
Clairlea Movie Night! - Friday, Oct. 4 (Featuring: The Croods, $2.00 per person)

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Welcome to Grade 1 and a brand new year at Clairlea Public School! I am excited to work and learn with your child and I look forward to getting to know you. The beginning of the school year is always full of exuberance as the students settle down into the routines of school after an enjoyable summer.

Curriculum Expectations: The expectations for each subject and grade are taken from the Ontario Ministry documents, which can be found at http://edu.gov.on.ca. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these expectations.

School Hours & Schedule: 8:40 -11:30 AM / 12:25 – 3:15 PM. Please make sure that your child arrives on time so that he/she receives the benefit from the program. As a courtesy to all staff please pick your child up promptly at lunch and dismissal time. If needed, report to the office first when entering the school. Please remember that we are on a DAY schedule (Please see schedule on the next tab).

Lunch Program: If your child eats at school, please pack a healthy and adequate lunch. We discourage glass bottles and soft drinks. Clairlea has also implemented a boomerang lunch. All waste and plastic package left over from lunch and snack will be expected to go back home.

Homework & Agenda: Every Monday, your child will receive a blue duo-tang with homework. This needs to be returned back to school every FRIDAY. Reading on a daily basis is highly important in the primary grades. Students are expected to read at least 15 minutes every night. Please take the time to listen to your child as he/she reads the sounds/syllables or words of the week to you. The agenda is an important communication and time management tool between parents and teachers. It should stay in your child’s backpack and be returned daily. Please check it nightly for a note from school and weekly activities. Please sign or initial in the agenda daily.
Library Books & Scholastic: Our library day is DAY 2. Please ensure that your child returns the book borrowed by this day so that he/she can borrow another one. I will be sending Scholastic Book Club notices home monthly. The club provides books at the appropriate grade level and at reasonable prices. There is no obligation to order at any time, but I would suggest that you look over the flyers with your child to discuss the kinds of books he/she prefers, and to encourage reading as an enriching and enjoyable activity. If you decide to order, please make a cheque payable to Scholastic.
Shoes and Boots: Rubber soled running shoes are required during gym class to prevent slipping on the floor. These running shoes will also be used in the classroom. Please ensure that your child brings outdoor shoes or boots during rainy or snowy weather. Our gym days are: DAY 3 and DAY 4.
Birthdays: We do announce birthdays in class, but they are not celebrated with treats due to many differing allergies in the class.
Show & Tell: To enrich your child’s French speaking skills and self-confidence, I encourage him/her to be active participants in Show and Tell sessions. Each student will be assigned a day of the week when he/she should bring to our circle area either a small toy, a picture, a drawing, a book or something special (e.g. a ticket to a hockey/baseball game that you attended together). You are welcome to help your child make a choice. Please avoid bringing expensive toys or valuable keepsakes. Show and Tell will begin within the next few weeks at school. A notice will be sent home.
Washroom Routines: Please encourage your child to use the washroom before coming to school each day. They will be allowed to go at recess and during lunch. They will be discouraged from going during class time due to the interruption and for safety concerns. If your child must go, they will go with a buddy.
Health Concerns: Please notify me about any allergy or health concerns. If your child is ill, please have him/her stay at home and rest until he/she can participate in the daily program. Please remember that Clairlea is a NUT-FREE school.
You are more than welcome to contact me at the school via telephone and schedule a meeting if needed.Thanks in advance for your support in making this year a rewarding one!


Mlle N. Angelevski