This week we are learning the sounds for the letter Ss and Nn.
In class, we discussed how the syllables are not just found at the beginning of a word but can also be found in the middle or the end of the word.
In French, we say: Au début, au milieu, où à la fin.
sa se si so su
1) sapin 2) cerise 3) musique 4) soleil 5) sucette
na ne ni no nu
1) banane 2) mitaine 3) nid 4) domino 5) nénuphar
Please continue to practise the syllables and read nightly at home. Have your child read every night for at least 15 minutes.
November 4 - 8, 2013
This week we are learning the sounds for the letter Ff and Rr.
Fa Fe Fi Fo Fu
1) famille 2) fenêtre 3) fille 4) forêt 5) fusée
Ra Re Ri Ro Ru
1) rat 2) renard 3) rire 4) rose 5) rue
October 28 - November 1st, 2013
This week we are working on the letter Dd and Hh.
Da De Di Do Du
Practice reading the following words:
1) date 2) monde 3) dinosaur 4) dormir 5) dur
Ha He Hi Ho Hu
Practice reading the following words:
1) haricot 2) heure 3) histoire 4) horloge 5) huit
La lettre "h" ne se prononce jamais en français.
- This means that the letter "H" is never pronounced in the French language. It is silent or mute.
Watch this video as an example of words that have the silent H:
October 7-10, 2013
Please remember that since there is a P.A. Day this Friday, the blue homework duo-tangs should be returned on Thursday instead.
This week we are studying the letter Kk and Jj.
Ka Ke Ki Ko Ku
Ja Je Ji Jo Ju
September 30 - October 4, 2013
This week we are working on Cc and Vv sounds.
We can make two different sounds with the letter C.
There is a hard C (C dur) and a soft C (C doux).
The hard C makes a [k] sound like in the word carré (square).
The soft C makes a [sss] sound like in cerisier (cherry tree).
*Please refer to the diagram above in order to help your child practice the correct pronunciation of each syllable.
Practice reading the following words:
1) carotte 2) cerise 3) cochon 4) ciel 5) cube
Here's the syllables with the letter Vv:
Va Ve Vi Vo Vu
Practice reading the following words:
1) valise 2) violon 3) olive 4) revue 5) volant
September 23 - 27, 2013
Salut! This week we are practicing our syllables that go with the following consonants: Mm et Tt.
Please continue to practise the sounds each and every week!
Ma Me Mi Mo Mu
Ta Te Ti To Tu
Practice reading the following words at home:
1) maman 2) même 3) midi 4) moto 5) musée
1) table 2) tête 3) tigre 4) tomate 5) tortue
September 16-20 2013
This week we will be focusing on the Bb and Ll sounds in French. When putting a consonant together with a vowel, this makes a syllable. Please have your child practice the following syllables at home. They should by now, be familiar with the sound of each vowel in French (a, e, i, o, u).
Ba Be Bi Bo Bu
La Le Li Lo Lu
Practice reading these words at home:
1) banane 2) jambe 3) bicyclette 4) botte 5) bulle
1) lapin 2) île 3) livre 4) locomotive 5) lune
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